class Arachnid::CookieJar


As hosts are scanned their cookies are stored here.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

Creates a new CookieJar

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Instance Method Detail

def [](host : String) #

Returns all relevant cookies in a single string for the named host or domain.

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def []=(host : String, cookies : HTTP::Cookies) #

Add a cookie to the jar for a particular domain.

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def clear! #

Clear out the jar, removing all stored cookies.

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def cookies_for_host(host) #

Returns raw cookie value pairs for a given host. Includes cookies set on parent domains.

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def each(&block) #

Iterates over the host-name and cookie value pairs in the jar.

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def for_host(host) #

Returns the pre-encoded Cookie for a given host.

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def from_resource(resource) #

Retrieve cookies for a domain from the response.

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def inspect #

Inspects the cookie jar.

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def size #

Size of the cookie jar.

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