class Arachnid::Rules(T)


The Rules class represents collections of acceptance and rejection rules, which are used to filter data.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Array(Proc(T?, Bool) | T | Regex | String)? = nil, reject : Array(Proc(T?, Bool) | T | Regex | String)? = nil) #

Creates a new Rules object.

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Instance Method Detail

def accept : Array(Proc(T?, Bool) | T | Regex | String) #

Accept rules

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def accept=(value) #

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def accept?(data : T) #

Determines whether the data should be accepted or rejected.

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def reject : Array(Proc(T?, Bool) | T | Regex | String) #

Reject rules

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def reject=(value) #

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def reject?(data : T) #

Determines whether the data should be rejected or accepted.

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